Our Projects

We are joining in God’s restoring vision, as lives and communities experience transformation across the world.

This is what the Lord requires. That you do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.

While no two Baptist Mission Australia projects are alike, every single one exists to make a transforming difference, to serve and benefit local communities.

How we’re making a difference

We’re excited about partnering with you, so that together we can make a difference! All of our projects are being used by God’s Spirit to bring individual and community transformation.

It is your generosity that makes the work of Baptist Mission Australia possible. And the fruit of your faithful giving can transform lives and communities with eternal impact.

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I would encourage others to support Baptist Mission Australia’s work. It is helping many people to come to know God’s love in Jesus Christ. Those who serve with Baptist Mission Australia are doing so because they know how much God loves them, and they want to share this message with those who have not yet heard.

Praying for those who are serving is a God-given privilege, and supporting them financially is also a great way to share in the work which they are doing in God’s name and for His sake.

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To make a donation, ask a question, subscribe to a resource or share feedback, please contact our team via 1800 329 165 or info@baptistmissionaustralia.org.

Thank you!