A New Person - Thailand

Wednesday 18 Apr

The team witnesses a transformation. 

The team’s first contact with Nan T was through former intercultural workers Larry and Jan. When they first knew him, he was very shy and didn’t like to participate in gatherings. Larry and Jan developed a good friendship with Nan T and journeyed with him through his spiritual exploration. Over years, his knowledge of Jesus grew through conversations and reading the Bible.

The change in Nan T’s life and behaviour from when the team first met him to now, has greatly amazed them. After he gave his life to Jesus, he became a new person! From being someone who didn’t even like having a meal at someone’s home, to someone who loves the fellowship of others and the faith community and uses his skills to support others. He has also become one of the faith community leaders and confidently teaches from the Bible and actively shares the love of God with others through acts of service.

The team celebrates that earlier this year, Nan T declared his faith in Jesus and was baptised. Praise God for the work He has done and continues to do in Nan T’s life and how He is using the team to share the Good News among the Ethnic Thai.

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