Beginnings of a Friendship - Cambodia

Wednesday 19 Dec

Kim shares the story of how a lemon birthday cake helped spark a growing friendship. 

"Recently we celebrated Craig’s birthday with a party and decided to invite our neighbour. He doesn’t speak any English and our Khmer language is progressing, but conversations are still stilted. A bit nervous, Craig went to his house and they ended up walking around the garden naming the fruit trees. They came to a big lemon tree that had many lemons underneath it, rotting on the ground. Our neighbour told Craig that he had never eaten a lemon and had no idea how to cook one. So Craig asked if he could take some home, which our neighbour was more than happy to make happen. Craig invited him to the party and he said he would come (at least that’s how we think the conversation went!). 

Quickly I made the lemons into a lemon cake. Our neighbour was so happy to try the lemon cake and see a delicious use for his ‘worthless’ fruit! Since that day our relationship has grown and he often drops over, bringing more lemons or a curry. 

Every day, as we immerse ourselves in life in our Khmer community, we are challenged to find new and creative ways of doing things, ministry, relationships and life… and we know this is just the beginning."   

This is an excerpt from Kim and Craig's article in Resonate magazine, you can read the full article in here (view online) or here (printable PDF).
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