Intercultural Creativity - Mozambique

Wednesday 16 Jan

Bek shares her experience of creativity in intercultural mission. 

"I never considered myself ‘creative’ when I was younger, but I’ve had plenty of opportunity in Mozambique to discover how creative God made me. When we build relationships we engage in varied ways – one day we attend a funeral and the next shell beans on a verandah or share a meal.

We think about how to craft and share Bible stories so people not only engage but understand. Creative solving of practical problems. Creative collaboration as a team. Creative ways to journey with and empower others. This year we had the opportunity to share during village initiations. We selected, shaped and told stories in order to engage the women and girls, asked questions that connected with their worldview and performed songs and dances to reinforce teaching – definitely some creative (and collaborative) thinking required!"

This is an excerpt from a recent article in Resonate magazine, 'Created to be Creative'. You can read the full article in here (view online) or here (printable PDF). « Back to News