Leaving Law, Accepting Grace - South Asia

Wednesday 22 Mar

Through conversations, Joseph's heart changed and he moved from relying on law to accepting grace.

Joseph is a B man who had strong misgivings about anyone who called themselves a Christian or a follower of Jesus. However, he met our workers and began to ask questions about his faith and Scripture. Within the development organisation, Joseph would listen to people from a similar faith background to him share about their understanding of the Bible and the difference that this understanding had made in their lives. Joseph was able to have deep and meaningful conversations about Scripture with people who spoke his language and understood his world view.

In time, a fellow B believer helped Joseph find answers to his many questions about God and faith. Through this experience, Joseph moved away from the rules and law that governed his earlier beliefs and experienced for the first time, the grace and mercy of God. Joseph has come to faith and been baptised. He seeks to share his transformation with others in authentic and culturally appropriate ways. « Back to News