Short Term

Which short-term ministry
opportunity is right for you?

Exploring Mission
Exploring Mission is a discipleship course in context, cultures and calling, held on Monday evenings. If you are interested in learning about God’s global mission, then this course is for you!
Discover how you can be a part of God’s mission in your daily life in Australia or as a vocation.

My life changing time in Africa
Hi, my name is Jake. I’m 20 years old and I live in Australia. Last year I went on a...

Photo diary
I arrived in Chiang Mai on a hot and humid summer day in August. Muana, the Thailand team leader picked...
Any other ministry possibilities?
We are open to new ministry possibilities. Talk with our team and explore how your calling can align with our vision.
Any other ministry possibilities?
We are open to new ministry possibilities. Talk with our team and explore how your calling can align with our vision.