Fundraising Target


(Not Tax Deductible)

Project Type

Bible & Resources|Nurturing Faith|Priority Ministry Initiatives


Raised so far this year

Recent Updates

12/12/23 - Going into the New Year, with inflation, fluctuating currency and increased costs in-country, there is a significant fundraising goal ahead. As we reflect on Christmas and Jesus coming as a baby to bring good news for all, we want to see this Oral Bible translation succeed so that the good news of Jesus is available to every single Mozambican Yawo.
Team - Mozambique Oral Bible TranslationProject Updates RSS


Project Code: MZwh415


Tobias and a team of Yawo translators, transcribers and back translators are working on an Oral Bible Translation in Mozambican Ciyawo, which will be accompanied by a printed version where possible. For the Yawo that cannot read or where reading does not resonate like oral storytelling, they will be able to listen to the Word of God in their own heart language.
The first stage of the project was an oral translation of the book Genesis. The project team completed phase one (the translation of Genesis) at the end of 2022. The project is partnered with a major Christian media organisation who provides software and logistical support as well as training.

The project has launched into the Yawo community the entirety of Genesis 1-50 after this book underwent the rigorous process of translation and back-checking. The community response has been very positive with the translation teams starting work on Exodus 1-20, the gospel according to Matthew, and a selection of Psalms in 2023.
It will take a number of years to translate the whole Bible, as any translation does when done thoroughly and rigorously to ensure that the translation holds firm to the Word of God and is linguistically and culturally understandable for the recipients.

After successfully trialling the project for Genesis, this project is continuing as a five year project. This year the team is starting with the translation of Exodus 1-20, Matthew, and a selection of Psalms. During the five year period, other books of the Bible will also be translated once the initial ones are completed (to date, Genesis is finished, and Exodus 1-20, Matthew, and some Psalms are underway).

The costs associated with this project include equipment, translators’ wages, consultant costs, theological and exegetical resources, utilities as well as the exciting opportunity for printing this year. 

The amount needed will be adjusted annually, with budget changes and fluctuating exchange rates. Thank you for your continued generosity and partnership!

Partnering with this project, at its heart, is seeing the Word of God accessible to the least-reached of Mozambique. It is empowering Yawo communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus through having their own access to the Scriptures and not being reliant on others for access!

Gifts to this project are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Important Note

Each project item is a small part of a larger program of community transformation. The values listed are an estimate of how much each item costs within the broader program. If your selected project item is already fully funded when your gift arrives, we will allocate your gift to items that fulfill a similar purpose. All care is taken to ensure project and gift information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, project information may change without notice. If you wish to discuss your project choice, call the Project Coordinator 1800 329 165 or email