Invited into God's Mission

Wednesday 24 Jun

Scott explores the extraordinary privilege we all have to participate in God's mission.

Over the past week we have commenced very encouraging conversations across Australia and the globe as we engage with our Global Interaction mission community and broader Australian Baptist movement.

In these conversations we are discerning the Spirit’s leading for our organisation’s future as well as celebrating partnership. Our strategic Roadmap document seeks to describe where we see God leading us as we look to 2025 and beyond.

As we have shared in these good conversations I have been reminded of our privilege together to participate in God’s mission. I have been reflecting again on the privilege of invitation.

My younger children get very excited when they come home from school with a birthday party invitation. The piece of paper in their hands makes them feel valued; it builds within them a sense of expectation and anticipation.

What about you and I? What emotions, feelings, responses are evoked in us when we consider God’s gracious invitation to actively participate in his mission; in his redemptive Kingdom activity across the street; across the world. Do we pause in our busyness of ministry; in the flurry of activities, to remind ourselves of the gracious invitation of God to participate with him in the transformation of lives and communities.

Yes, He even uses someone very ordinary and incomplete like me. I’m a ‘work in progress’ but I am esteemed, like you, with the privilege of participation.

These past few weeks as I have shared with many different people in Zoom conversations; as I have looked at many different faces and heard many different voices, I have been struck again by the joy of participation – our shared participation in sharing the Good News of Jesus with people in their cultures, in ways that make sense to them.
Yes, through our strategic planning process, we do far more than look to our future. We come back to our roots. We have an opportunity to reflect and celebrate our privilege to share in the unfolding story of Global Interaction – God’s unfolding mission story; in which we can play a small, but significant part.

Yes, we celebrate the mission of God in the hands of ordinary people!

Thank you for your partnership with us. I certainly don’t want to take this for granted. Three months into my role, I am privileged to be engaging each day with so many partners – with so many other participants, people passionately committed to playing their part in God’s gracious invitation.
Let’s celebrate afresh this invitation and continue to humbly join together in pursuing Global Interaction’s exciting vision. Please continue to be praying for our strategic discernment process and all that God has ahead for our mission community. We’re in this together. We face some big challenges; but also many opportunities. And I’m so thankful that we look to our gracious, faithful God to keep leading us forward.

Scott Pilgrim
Executive Director
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