Early Days - Central Asia

Thursday 10 May

Pete and Nomes experience the beginnings of a friendship.  

Pete and Nomes have recently joined the team in Central Asia. Despite being in the early stages of their culture and language learning, they have begun to develop a friendship with an H family. They initially met Mr A at a local cafĂ© and then, over time, met the rest of his family including his son who is the same age as their eldest. It’s been encouraging for Pete and Nomes to have the opportunity to share a meal at their friend’s home and take part in other social activities together. Pete is even beginning guitar lessons with Mr A who is keen to learn. 

Pray with Pete and Nomes that this will just be the start of a growing friendship with this H family. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open many more opportunities to spend time together, and as their friendship develops, have meaningful spiritual conversations. 

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