One Week in Mozambique

Wednesday 09 Aug

Kath shares some snapshots of her first week back in Mozambique.

Kath writes, "It’s been a week now since I left Perth to return home to Massangulo. After two days travelling, I made it home safely on Sunday afternoon and headed straight out to visit some friends in the village. It’s been a hectic but wonderful week of visiting, hearing lots of stories, mourning with friends who have lost family, rejoicing over new babies and eating more ugadi in a week than I did in the last year I was here!

Here are some snapshots of the past week: 
  • I went to visit my friend who lost her daughter while I was away. When I arrived she started sobbing and then leaned in hard as I tried my best to console her and pray for her. Please pray that God would give her strength and peace. 
  • Of all the people I’ve spoken to, only two had what they would consider a decent harvest. The price of a bucket of maize is triple what it was at the same time last year. Looks like we’re in for a very difficult year with hunger. 
  • My friend's daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl after quite a difficult pregnancy and labour. They’re both doing well and she is a lovely Mum.  
  • I had the chance to visit with a small group of believers and we had a wonderful chat about all sorts of tricky topics - it was so encouraging to learn from Yawo friends who are on a journey with Jesus. 
I’ve been so well welcomed, given more food than I could ever eat (peanuts, sweet potatoes, bananas, something called madumbe, beans, flour so I can cook my own ugadi at home, spaghetti and more). Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for our Yawo friends here." « Back to News