Fundraising Target


(Tax Deductible)

Project Type

Priority Ministry Initiatives|Travel & Vehicle


Raised so far this year

Jan - TravelProject Updates RSS


Project Code: SEAje101

Travel is essential for Jan to embark on her intercultural journey, serving in South East Asia. A practical way to partner with her is by helping cover expenses for her big move.

This project covers the cost of Jan's flights and other travel costs.

Gifts to this project are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
    Team members involved in this project:
  • Jan

Important Note

Each project item is a small part of a larger program of community transformation. The values listed are an estimate of how much each item costs within the broader program. If your selected project item is already fully funded when your gift arrives, we will allocate your gift to items that fulfill a similar purpose. All care is taken to ensure project and gift information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, project information may change without notice. If you wish to discuss your project choice, call the Project Coordinator 1800 329 165 or email